We will recommend a mechanical gripper if:
German company SCHUNK offers a full range of gripping solutions, that are nominated as No.1 in the world. With 11,000 standard components SCHUNK offers the world's largest assortment of gripping systems and clamping technology from one source and with 2,550 SCHUNK grippers, the largest product range of standard gripper components on the market. The entire gripping system portfolio comprises more than 4,000 components. Our 4,000 standard components and more than 12,000 implemented gripping system solutions speak for themselves.
SCHUNK. The world's number 1 when it comes to gripping systems!
About the company: schunk.com/de/en
Danish company OnRobot delivers a full line of plug-and-produce end-of-arm tooling (EoAT) for collaborative applications. Innovative grippers, sensors, and tool changers help manufacturers gain the full advantages of collaborative and lightweight industrial robots, including ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and safety alongside human workers.